Below you can find information about our upcoming meetings and trainings:
Check your email
for more info!
Keep scrolling to check our calendar for the latest events and for this month’s meeting link, or click here to jump to the calendar.
Upcoming Trainings:
"Culturally Responsive Psychodynamic Approaches for Latine Clients"
Past Trainings:
September: Decoding the Complex Systems and Services in Schools for Mental Health Providers with Saleha Erdmann.
November: Consorcio Membership State of the Union
December: Circulo de Sanacion: Healing the Healers
January 2024: “Trabajando Con Crisis en la Comunidad Latina”
February 2024: "Clinical Consultation in Practice"
Resource and Language Guides are NOW available for download HERE
CLICK HERE to update your info, we'll take care of the rest!
We are looking for members to join our Board of Directors.
Join us and help us plan meetings, future trainings and more!
If you are interested, have questions or would like to hear more about this opportunity, contact us here, send us an email to:
or, submit your application below:
Next meeting:
CLICK HERE for more information about meetings and agenda.
We switched to Zoom.
Please find the link to our meetings in the calendar section below, or in your email, if you are subscribed!
Meeting content tends to alternate between speakers with extensive experience working with Latinx clients who focus on specific clinical questions or practice areas, and more fluid resource sharing, networking, and strategizing.
Meetings occur monthly. They alternate between the third Tuesday and the third Friday of the month, from 8:30-10:00 AM. Meetings are held on Google Meet and we are excited to put together in-person meetings again soon. Certificates of Attendance are provided for meetings with speakers and panelists, and minutes are available on the “Resources & Meeting Minutes” tab for folks who are not able to attend.